Analysis of a Chromatographic Model with (Part 5)

Analysis of a Chromatographic Model with Irreversible and Reversible Reactions

Numerical Test Problem

12D2L=u5.  (3.71)

The analytical conclusions of the preceding sections are verified using a variety of numerical test problems. There have already been several numerical methods for modeling nonlinear and linear liquid chromatographic models. Comparison of LKM and EDM’s numerical and analytical solutions

Part 1: Analysis of a Chromatographic Model with Irreversible

Case I

In this case we used Danckwerts boundary conditions to analyse accurate and numerically calculated elution profiles for both LKM and EDM. HR-FVS and numerical Laplace transformation accurate or not, confirmed by the fair contract between solution profiles. Due to the limitations of analytical Laplace transforms, we’ve found numerical LT techniques to be highly effective in addressing these challenges. We plan to continue using this approach in future research.

Fig.3.2 shows the profiles created using LKM. Analytical inverse transformation solution not possible for LKM. As a conclusion, the numerical Laplace transformation solutions and high-resolution finite volume method are compared with one another. Whenever an exact solution isn’t possible, numerical Laplace inversion generally accepted as reliable method for solving the linear models. The reasonable contract between such solution profiles demonstrates high precision of the both processes.

Table 3.1 shows the values of the required fundamental parameters.

Read Part 2: Analysis of a Chromatographic Model with Irreversible and

Case II

In this section the numerical and analytical EDM solution for Dankwerts and Dirichlet BCs are compared. In Fig3.4 numerical solution b using Dirichlet BCs compared with EDM analytical solution for te breakthrough curves. The accuracy of the recommended numerical method confirmed by the good agreement of solution profile’s.

Fig.3.5 compares the numerical result for LKM calculated and numerical Laplace inversion

Sr. No.ParametersValues
1Porositys = 0.4
2Peclet no. for EDMP ea = 500
3Peclet no. for LKMP e = 5000
4Injection timetinj=3 min
5Column lengthL=1 cm
6EDM’s dispersion coefficientDa = 0.002cm 2 min
7LKM’s dispersion coefficientD = 0.0002cm2 min
8Interstitial velocityu =1 cm min 
9Initial concentrationcinit= 0g l 
10Adsorption equilibrium constanta = 1
11Concentration at inletcinj=1g l 
12Adsorption ratek =100 1 min 

Table 3.1: Parameters that can be utilized for test problems.

for the continuous pulse injections as Dirichlet boundary conditions. These graphs shows that suggest numerical Laplace inversions HR-FVS are correct.

Part 3: Analysis of a Chromatographic Model with Irreversible and

For three different injection timings, the chromatograms for discontinuous profiles are presented differently in Fig.3.6. In this graph, same desorption and adsorption fronts are shown, but they are moved as per injection length. Fig.3.8 shows three different velocity values for the same injection, i.e. tinj=1min. Both elution profiles have the potential to be close to a normal distribution as they approach zero, shown in Fig.3.9. Because EDM’s values is higher than LKM’s, EDM’s elution profile has a higher peak than LKM’s.

Analysis of a Chromatographic Model with Irreversible (Part 4)

Table 3.2 shows the values of the required fundamental parameters.

Sr. No.ParametersValues
1Porositys = 0.4
2Injection timetinj=2 sec 
3Column lengthL=1 cm
4Dispersion coefficient of EDMDa = 0.002cm 2 min
5Interstitial velocityu =1 cm min 
6Initial concentrationcinit= 0g l 
7Henry’s constanta = 1
8Concentration at inletcinj=1g l 
9Simulation timetmax = 10 min

Read Part 2: Analysis of a Chromatographic Model with Irreversible and

Part 1: Analysis of a Chromatographic Model with Irreversible

Analysis of a Chromatographic Model with Irreversible and Reversible Reactions

A Central-Upwind Scheme for Fluid Flows in a Nozzle With

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Control of Chaotic Flows and Fluid Forces (Part 3)

Reflection of Waves in Micropolar Cubic Medium with Voids

Part 2: Control of Chaotic Flows and Fluid Forces

Control of Chaotic Flows and Fluid Forces (Part 1)

Control of Chaotic Flows and Fluid Forces (Part 4)

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Impact of Inclined Magnetic Field and Activation Energy (Part 2)

A Central-Upwind Scheme for Fluid Flows in a Nozzle With

Analysis of a Chromatographic Model with Irreversible (Part 1)

Control of Chaotic Flows and Fluid Forces (Last Part)

Analysis of a Chromatographic Model with Irreversible (Part 3)

Part 2: Analysis of a Chromatographic Model with Irreversible

Analysis of a Chromatographic Model with Irreversible (Part 4)

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