Temperature-Dependent Factors in LC
Temperature-Dependent Factors in LC: it is notice that before the maximum value of concentration adsorption is taking place which produces a
Mathematics is the mother of all sciences. Here are the posts related to mathematics.
Temperature-Dependent Factors in LC: it is notice that before the maximum value of concentration adsorption is taking place which produces a
Temperature Effects on LC Dynamics This post is link to the previous post Temperature Effects on Liquid Chromatography Dynamics Linearized non-isothermal Model In this post-linear, non-isothermal EDM model is consider for a single solute component(Nc = 1). Analytical solution is derive using Laplace transformation for linear isotherms (Eq. (2.17)) with different inlet and outlet boundary … Read more
Temperature Effects on Liquid Chromatography Dynamics Analysis of a Chromatographic Model with Irreversible and Reversible Reactions This post briefly introduces the underlying physical process. It motivates current research work and highlights previous contributions in this field. Furthermore, it summarizes the post’s contents in different sections. Laplace Transformation Pierre-Simon Laplace who was an astronomer and mathematician, … Read more
Higher Order Finite Difference Schemes for the Heat Eq
Finite Difference Schemes for the Heat Eq
Higher Order Finite Difference Schemes for the Heat Eq: we compute the three points finite difference approximation formulas as Taylor Series.
Higher Order Finite Difference Schemes: The analytical solution of a partial differential equation is not always easy to calculate.
Higher Order Finite Difference Schemes: In this post, we studied the numerical techniques for the solution of one and two-dimensional
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